Welcome!The W5JGV web site was last updated on May 22, 2013 at 19.35 Weather at W5JGV ( Click on picture for full size ) > > Take a look at my auctions on eBay < <
It's nice to see you again! The coffee's always hot, and the band's always open, so make yourself at home and stay awhile. This is the place where you will find the latest project or gadget that I'm working on. Just click on one of the buttons at the left side of the page to see what's going on here in the Hamshack. Or, if you prefer, you can search the W5JGV web site, or any of my other web sites, by using this handy search box.What's
May 22, 2013 - My installation of the GS3 Mobile antenna custom built for me by Gary Stookey, KI7SD Are you interested in Rife systems?Spectrotek Services announces the SSQ-2F System A Rife Plasma Tube system Controller for Rife-Beam-Ray systems operating at 3.1 MHz.Various versions available - a DIY system - order what you need for your experiments - kits & componsnts available - Sine wave audio input - Works from a computer, CD player, MP3 player or Audio Generator - No soldering! - Available assembled or in kit form - For complete Technical details and Pricing, please visit us at http://rife-beam-ray.com My Hurricane Katrina video and photos are still available. There are still great areas of the city that are still ruined and abandoned. The news reports cannot even begin to describe how bad the damage is. You can see a little of the destruction by looking at the photos on my web site HERE. The last file (near the bottom of the page) is a video file showing the arrival of the flood waters at the WVUE-TV transmitter site, which was swamped with more than 12 feet of water in just a few minutes. The ARRL has been granted a Part 5 Experimental License for operation in the 600 Meter Band. The status of this special project may be followed on my web site: http://500kc.com.If you have some time to spare, try my Ham Crossword Puzzle page. Oh, by the way Dave, the coffee's right over there... (1) PS - if you find any broken links or missing pages, please email me so I can fix the problem. Thanks! (1) This is a personal tribute to an Amateur Radio friend, Rev. David H. Hatch, N9ZRT, who always has hot coffee at the ready for his many friends. Dave is the genial founder of the Live-Wire antenna discussion group at Yahoo. Before he was promoted in his pastoral duties, he was very active on the Live-Wire email list. By his enthusiastic presence and constant tossing out of all sorts of interesting ideas and conceptual designs, he generated a tremendous amount of interest and activity on the list. The Live-Wire group is always a very friendly place, and folks there discuss almost every sort of antennae, especially homebrew, modified, or off-the-wall designs. Although Dave is not currently able to participate as much in the Live-Wire group as he would like to, he does "read the mail" and will always drop in with a comment or suggestion on a topic that strikes his interest. He also started the Live-Wire on-the-air gathering spot, (calling frequency 18.150) where "Friends can meet and the coffee is always warm." Just call, "CQ Live-Wire!" |
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