The This is the Rife Research Ring Home Page. This page updated October 24, 2001
The web sites in this Ring contain information about the work of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, who was a pioneer in the field of Bio-Medicine. Dr. Rife's research showed that pulsed electromagnetic energy could eliminate disease causing micro-organisms from living beings. Although a concerted attempt was made by members of the conventional medical establishment to discredit him, Dr. Rife's work was well documented in the serious medical literature of the time. Much of his work remains available today. The information available on the sites in the Rife Research Ring represents the results of much effort and private research conducted by many individuals. On these sites you will find divergent theories and data; please use caution in working with this information. Our aim is to bring together those web sites that have information about Rife Technology, and to make it easier for people to find information on the work of Dr. Rife. As you know, there is a lot of information available on the net, but finding it when you need it is almost impossible. Even using the various search engines, it's still difficult. By joining many related web sites together into a Ring, a visitor may easily travel from site to site, secure in the knowledge that they will be visiting sites with the information they seek. The Rife Research Web Ring is about bringing Rife researchers together from around the world. In this way, we hope to "spread the word" about Dr. Rife's work. This information is NOT to be construed as medical advice, but rather it is for experimental and entertainment use only. Do NOT use the information available here on any person without first
consulting with a trained medical professional. Always consult a doctor if you
have a medical problem. To submit your web site for entry into the Rife Research Web Ring, please click on the JOIN NOW button in the Navigation Bar below. To navigate through the Rife Biological Research WebRing, please use the WebRing Toolbar shown below.
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